DE10-Nano: Writing and reading the SD card with a standalone program


As a personal learning exercise, I wanted to read and write a plain text file on an SD card with a standalone C program. I decided on using the open source FatFs module library for this exercise because of its simplicity. Reading the documentation all I needed was to write the necessary vendor port code for some FatFs functions to support the Cyclone V SoC FPGA.

Thanks to Intel's HWLIB which provides the low-level functions for the SD/MMC controller and card commands, I was able to write the supporting code with little effort, resulting in these files diskio_c5_sdmmc.h & diskio_c5_sdmmc.c.

The complete FatFs for C5 example can be downloaded from here: fatfs_c5.

Running a debug session in Eclipse under Windows

I assume your computer is already setup with the required tools, but if not, have a look at my bare-metal tutorial.

Prepare a SD card containing a FAT partition. If your computer does not have SD card slot I recommend getting one of those cheap USB to SD card dongle from Ebay or Amazon. The easiest way to create a FAT partition is with Windows Disk Management tool.

Start by attaching the USB cable to the UART USB socket on the DE10-Nano, then open a serial terminal program such as PuTTY and connect to it with the correct COM port and settings.

Attached another USB cable, in this case to the USB-Blaster II socket, then open the project in Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers, and select Run/Debug Configurations... from the menu. In the pop-up dialog select the fatfs_c5_debug launch profile and click the Debug button:

FatFs run debug configuration (launch profile)
FatFs run debug configuration (launch profile)

By default, the debug session will stop at a breakpoint in main(), now insert the SD card into the card slot on DE10-Nano, then click the resume button in Eclipse, i.e. the green play icon on the toolbar:

FatFs debug breakpoint resume
FatFs debug breakpoint resume

Finally, you should be able to see the results in the serial terminal:

FatFs debug results
FatFs debug results

Document date: Rev 1: 15 Oct 2024