You've reached Truong's Personal Website
My site will contain some of my personal projects that I do in my spare time. My interests are in programming and electronics, and I hope you will find these documents useful.
Since I've just started, I currently don't have much content:
FPGA projects
Using the HPS (processor) UART peripheral directly from the FPGA side on the Terasic DE10-Nano development kit
- DE10-Nano: Bare-metal C
A guide for setting up "Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers" to build bare-metal C programs for the DE10-Nano development kit
- DE10-Nano: Eclipse CDT plugin
A custom Eclipse IDE CDT plugin (via extension) for adding DE10-Nano project templates to the New Project Wizard
- DE10-Nano: SD card image
A guide for building the SD card image to run "Hello-World!" for the DE10-Nano
- DE10-Nano: U-Boot standalone apps
Information on running standalone applications with U-Boot for the DE10-Nano
- DE10-Nano: AMP
AMP application on the DE10-Nano
- DE10-Nano: HPS and FPGA interaction - Part 1 - Ledsweep
LED sweep animation for the DE10-Nano
- DE10-Nano: HPS and FPGA interaction - Part 2 - FreeRTOS LED Blinky
FreeRTOS LED blink example demo for the DE10-Nano
- DE10-Nano: Writing and reading the SD card with a standalone program
FatFs for Cyclone V SoCFPGA example
- DE10-Nano: FPGA to HPS data transfer
FPGA to HPS data transfer project
- DE10-Nano: HPS loan I/O example
Learn how to use loan I/O with UART-USB and HPS_LED
- HPS I2C accelerometer example
Learn how to read the accelerometer